Does My Toothache Call For A Root Canal?

Got a toothache? The first thing you want is to stop the pain. The next step is to figure out the cause so it doesn’t flare up again. A root canal procedure is often called for when the tooth has been compromised by breakage or decay. The nerve endings need to be...

Nervous About Your Root Canal? That Is Normal!

Obviously. To perform a root canal we will be drilling into your aching tooth. Needles are involved. Honestly, the whole thing is rather extraordinary. We could spend a whole blog telling you all the technical reasons why you have nothing to worry about. And we have....

Questions to Ask During Your Root Canal Appointment

Patients who are concerned about the procedure are often full of questions. Communication is a great way we help our patients feel more relaxed. Dr. Penney and the rest of the team is here to answer all your questions about your root canal. Here are a few things you...

Breakfast Before a Root Canal

At James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA Endodontics we recommend that all patients eat a full breakfast or lunch, as applicable, before their appointment. Why? You’ll be undergoing treatment for one to three hours. We also don’t recommend eating immediately after your...

Do I Need an Endodontist For My Root Canal?

If you went to your general dentist with a toothache and are now being recommended to an endodontist, you are probably wondering: Why do I need to see a specialist? Why should you see an endodontist for your root canal? Because a healthy smile is a natural smile. Even...

Practicing Self-Care After a Root Canal Surgery

At James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA. Endodontics in Little Rock we receive a wide variety of patients. It’s important to us that we make each of them feel comfortable. Our goal is to provide each patient with the highest quality of technical care and to treat each of our...