Do I Need an Endodontist For My Root Canal?

If you went to your general dentist with a toothache and are now being recommended to an endodontist, you are probably wondering: Why do I need to see a specialist? Why should you see an endodontist for your root canal? Because a healthy smile is a natural smile. Even...

Dental Care Travel Tips

Got a big trip coming up? The last thing you want to worry about during a fun vacation is your dental care. Take the right steps, and pack the right things and you’ll return home from your vacation stress-free and cavity-free. At James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA...

What You Need to Know About Fluoride

If you’ve had more than one cavity filled, your dentist has probably recommended using a toothpaste with fluoride to help strengthen your enamel. Fluoride is a real blessing for those who are more prone to cavities. Is there fluoride in central Arkansas water system?...