
What is an Endodontist?

Has your dentist recommended seeing an Endodontist for your root canal or difficult tooth pain diagnosis? Your first question might be: what is an Endodontists? The world of endodontistry has everything to do with what goes on inside your tooth. It is a small...

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How to Find the Right Endodontist Near You

If your root canal requires extra treatment or has special circumstances, your dentist might recommend seeing an endodontist. Endodontists specialize in performing root canals and diagnosing difficult-to-treat pain. They work from the inside of an injured tooth to...

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How Do Root Canals Fix Teeth?

Root canals are done when a tooth has decay or an injury that can’t be fixed with a filling. The procedure cures the troubled tooth and allows it to continue to function inside your mouth. Why is this considered a “fix”? Your tooth has responsibilities. When it stops...

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