4 Kinds of Tooth Pains You Shouldn’t Ignore

Pain has a way of catching our attention. It doesn’t matter what your day looks like, a bad toothache can stop you in your tracks. Pain management will get you through the day but, ultimately, you need to get to the root of your problem before it gets worse. Here are...

4 Reasons to Appreciate Your Smile

Do you realize how important your smile is? Most of us find ourselves smiling all the time without even thinking about it. Here are a few reasons why you should appreciate your smile. At James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA Endodontics we know the importance of a smile....

Nervous About Your Root Canal?

If something is “about as fun as a root canal,” you are probably not looking forward to it. So when your dentist recommends endodontic treatment, we understand your concerns. Due to dental history and the nature of drilling inside a tooth, root canals have a bad...

Broken Tooth?

  Teeth can fracture and break just like other bones in your body. How do teeth break? There are 5 classifications of a broken or fractured tooth. Crazed lines, Fractured Cusp, Treatable Cracked Tooth, Split Tooth and Vertical Root Fracture. Learn more about...

6 Interesting Tooth Facts

You don’t go through an extra two years of dental school to become an endodontist if you don’t find teeth fascinating. Here are a few fun facts about teeth that we have collected over the years. Trying to get your kids more interested in dental care? These interesting...

Should You Save the Tooth?

If you are considering Endodontic therapy for a damaged tooth, you’ve probably had to ask yourself the following question: Should I save the tooth or replace the tooth with an artificial one? At James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA Endodontics we are a little biased. We have...