Should I Put Off My Root Canal Surgery?

February 2, 2024

There are many reasons patients at James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA Endodontics delay root canal surgery.

The truth is: the sooner you undergo this endodontic treatment the better. When your regular dentist says you need to undergo this procedure, we recommend scheduling the surgery later that same day.

Why? Here are a three reasons to get your root canal surgery over sooner, rather than later.

1. You Could lose the Tooth.

Root canal surgery is often a measure taken to save your natural tooth. Dr. Penney will drill away the infection inside your tooth and replace it with a sturdy surface for a crown. After treatment, your tooth will function as a normal, natural tooth. If you put off getting a root canal, the infection will worsen. Once it has grown past the reach of a root canal, you will have to get the tooth removed and replaced.

2. Pain.

Many patients who require root canal surgery are in a great deal of pain. Toothaches are more debilitating than many realize. The longer you wait to undergo the procedure, the more pain the tooth can cause. The pain might even worsen. Sometime a tooth that needs to be endodontically treated stops hurting. Patients are quick to diagnose the problem has solved itself. However, the pain is gone because the nerves in your tooth are gone. The infection will continue to grow. Causing more serious problems for your overall health.

3. More Serious Health Issues may Occur.

If left untreated, an infected tooth will turn into a dental abscess. A dental abscess will spread this infection into your gums and jaw. Once this infection is in your bloodstream you are at risk for heart disease, possibly a stroke, and life-threatening sepsis.

Still avoiding root canal surgery? Here are a few concerns we can address.

The Procedure Will Take Up Too Much of my Time.

The average time it takes for Dr. Penney to perform a root canal is 30 minutes. We use a local anesthetic so patients can head back to work or continue their day after the procedure.

I am Worried About the Pain.

Thanks to modern technology, a root canal is virtually painless. Many of our patients are concerned with pain. Dr. Penney has excellent dental-chair-side manner. We will answer all your questions and even talk you through the process.

I Don’t have Time to go Through the Recovery Process.

Recovering from a root canal is relatively easy. Practice good self care and follow our pain management instructions.