5 Things You Might Not Know About the Field of Endodontistry

May 14, 2024
Here are a few things about the field of endodontistry we think you might find interesting.

1. Most people have negative feelings about losing their teeth.

Have you ever had a nightmare where all your teeth fall out? It’s a very common stress-related dream that people have. Losing your teeth isn’t a pleasant thought. It’s not good for your overall health either. That’s why tooth-saving endodontists are so needed in the field of dentistry. The team at James A. Penney, III, DDS, PA Endodontics works hard to have the latest technology and education so we can accurately determine the best way to save your tooth.

2. The technology used to perform a root canal is very advanced.

The scientists and researchers behind dental technology advancements heard our complaints. We wanted a less painful way to cure the pulp of our teeth, and they delivered. Today most endodontic patients are satisfied with their experience. The painless experience is due to microscopic tools and advanced x-ray imaging.

3. General dentists refer about half of their root canal patients to a specialist.

General dentists are fully qualified to perform a root canal. However, if there are special circumstances or potential problems, they will refer the patient to an Endodontist. Most educators in the field of dentistry recommend seeing a specialist for a root canal.

4. Root canals are SUPER common.

According to the American Association of Endodontists more than 15 million root canals are performed every year. That means over 41,000 are performed every day. Some of these root canals are not even performed by Endodontists. On average a general dentist will perform 2 root canals a week. A practicing endodontist will perform 25 root canals a week, on average.

5. Endodontists care very much about your enamel.

The enamel of your tooth is impressively the hardest part of your body. The enamel is the outer surface of your tooth. It’s the tooth’s protection. If your enamel is healthy and well cared for, the rest of your tooth will do well.

Endodontists deal with healing the soft interior tissue of your tooth, the pulp. But the enamel is the first line of defence against gum disease, tooth decay and more. The healthier your enamel is, the easier it will be for us to save your natural tooth.