3 Things Your Endodontist Wants You to Know Before You Visit

June 10, 2022

You’ve talked with your dentist about your condition and have chosen an endodontist to work with. You are ready for your visit, but you still have a few questions. Not sure what questions to ask? Here are a few extra things your endodontist wants you to know before your visit.

1. We understand your concerns about pain management.

Many patients that are referred to an endodontist are dealing with severe toothaches. We specialize in pain management and in getting to the main cause of your pain and fixing it.

Your comfort is important to us and we are happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about pain management. Most patients report feeling comfortable during the root canal procedure. Your tooth will be sensitive after the procedure, but we will recommend medications to make your recovery more comfortable.

2. We will be here to answer any questions during your recovery.

Before you leave our office, we will make sure you have all the necessary instructions, medication and information for your recovery. Our office is available should you have any questions or experience irregular pains or sensations in your tooth.

We offer weekend and emergency availability. Our hours are flexible to ensure that any unexpected pain can be treated as quickly as possible.

3. It’s important to us that you understand the procedure.

We don’t perform your average root canal. Endodontists specialize in the latest dental technologies and delicate procedures dealing with the ‘pulp’ of the tooth. We perform complicated procedures that require advanced technologies and skill.

The more you know about the procedure the better equipped you will be to recover and prevent future injury. This is one of the reasons it’s important for us to work with you and your general dentist to understand your specific situation.

We do our best to make sure you have all the information for a successful procedure.